Position yourself correctly

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Getting yourself in the right position in the lane of the road you are travelling on is a vital skill that keeps you safe and lets you make good progress.

The greatest risk to you is other road users, so it’s important that you make yourself as obvious as possible.

So, don’t hug the gutter, position yourself midway across the lane, so traffic coming out of side turnings can see you earlier. Give parked cars at least a door’s width room in case one gets opened on you unexpectedly.

When you are riding in traffic position yourself so you’ve got enough time to stop suddenly, and also so that driver in front can see you clearly in at least one of their three mirrors, preferably two, the main one and a door mirror.

That way when it comes time to overtake he already knows you are there and is less likely to move across into your path. 

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MCN Staff

By MCN Staff