Join a rideout with the stars

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How do you fancy joining the likes of John Reynolds, Steve Plater and Karl Harris on July 11, for the rideout of a lifetime?

For just £35 for a rider, plus £15 for a pillion, you can join the Cavalcade to the Day of Champions at MCN Donington Park and even put in a couple of laps on the famous circuit when you get there.

Not only that, but you’ll get to meet and greet all the stars of Grand Prix ahead of the British GP on July 14, take part in an auction for loads of one-off kit and take in a mega stunt display

And it’s all in a good cause. All the money raised goes to Riders for Health, a charity in Africa which helps hard to reach communities by supplying bikes to health workers.

For tickets and more details just call:01327-300047 or visit

Due to limited spaces tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff