Advisor slams bike skills

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‘Improving motorcyclists skills merely means they kill themselves in a more skilled way,’ according to one of the Government’s top advisors on transport.

And when MCN contacted Robert Gifford to challenge him he called motorcycles: “Hopelessly dangerous.”

Gifford, director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety said he could prove that improving skills makes people more dangerous. His example? “Cars with ABS are involved in as many accidents as cars that aren’t.”

When MCN suggested ABS isn’t so much a skill as a mechanical operation he put the phone down on us.

Read more about this story in MCN out on June 30.

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Here’s what some of our regsitered users have already said about the story:

jvogel asks: “Training makes us more dangerous then, so does that apply to doing the bike test in the first place? So not taking a test would make us safer?

ROSSIVAL also has a question: “So if having advance training doesn’t make you a safer better rider, why do insurance companys offer discount for people who have passed advance riders course? Which is just the same for car drivers who have done advance driver course?”

Stillster: “On what Planet does the Government find these clowns to advise them?”

And Ouzo seems to sum up the feelings so far: “Advanced training isn’t meant to make you faster, it’s designed to improve your overall skills, including making clearer observations of the potential hazards we encounter everyday on two wheels. The upside of this is you can travel faster because you are more aware of the dangers and have better knowledge of how to handle a bike. The only Hopelessly Dangerous part of the article is this goverment advisor who is obviously a complete moron. “

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MCN Staff

By MCN Staff