MCN Awards 2005

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You’ll shortly be able to start voting for the Man of the Year and MCN Legend of the Year at the MCN Awards 2005.

This is the tenth year of the awards, and the 50th year of MCN, so it’s going to be a very special event. It will take place at the National Motorcycle Museum on Thursday, October 27, 2005, hosted by MCN Editor Marc Potter and TV presenter Suzi Perry.

The event is mainly for trade attendees and takes place following the Trade Day at the International Motorcycle and Scooter Show. But we’ll be covering the event live, so you can see if your choices win the Man of the Year, and the Legend award, which is part of the celebrations for 50 years of MCN.

For more information on the event, and for trade ticket bookings, click here to visit A proportion of each ticket sold goes to MCN’s adopted charity, Riders for Health.

Other categories at the awards include Machine of the Year, Dealer of the Year, and Product of the Year. There’s also an award for Best Use of Online Opportunities. Visit the Award site to see if your dealership or company can enter. Click here.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff