Ride for Rights rocked!

What a fun day it was. The weather was on our side too. What a sight it was to see the roads occupied by only motorbikes in the middle of London running as far as eye can see. The most unforgettable moment for me though was when all the bikers turn up at the Wembley stadium. It was in the middle of the weekend but bikers heard a call and so we came. We were called to acted as one. Regardless the age/gender or what kind of bike/scooter one has. one single voice to make sure our message was/is loud and clear. I’m sure there are more bikers in UK than the turned up ones and they would all love to come and contribute but not been able to. There is still different methods to further enhance the effect of this campaign. Rider-Connect made this really easy for anyone to send an e-mail to his local MP. Please do go on the website and do it, if you don’t, we will have one less chance. You don’t even have to be a biker to join the campaign. If you want a greener planet or better city centre traffic then promote motorbikes with us.


Reader's article

By Anonymous