Advice: Are my Fazer's brake discs at fault?

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Are my Fazer’s discs at fault?
My recently acquired Yamaha FZS600 is great but for the high-pitched “scraping” whine from the front wheel. The dealer tells me it’s the front discs and says all Fazers do it. Do they? And can nothing be done? It spoils the fun of an otherwise delightful ride.
Craig Martin, MCN forums
A. That sound means that the pads are dragging on the disc and they could get hot enough to warp the discs as well as accelerate pad wear. If you raise the front wheel off the ground you’ll be able to see feel whether it spins freely after applying the brake a few times. Look to see whether the discs have warped already, and check for grit and crud that can get caught in the ventilation slots or between the edge of the pad and the disc. High-temperature ‘copper’ grease on the back of the pads will cut down on the risk of squeal. You could also check any anti-squeal/anti-rattle clips that should be fitted haven’t gone missing.