By MCN Staff

Serious Accidents on the open road:

Loss of control, Rider’s fault: 61%, Other’s fault: 5%. Failed to give way, Riders fault: 2%, Other’s fault 36%. Failed to avoid, Rider’s fault: 13%, Other’s fault: 12%. Poor turn/manoeuvre, Rider’s fault: 7%, Other’s fault: 31%. Poor Overtaking, Rider’s fault: 11%, Other’s fault 7%.

Total (accidents/percentage). Rider’s fault: 456 (67%), Other’s fault: 227 (33%)

Serious Accidents in built-up areas:

Loss of control, Rider’s fault: 40%, Other’s fault: 2%. Failed to give way, Rider’s fault: 7%, Other’s fault: 46%. Failed to avoid, Rider’s fault: 26%, Other’s fault: 14%. Poor turn/manoeuvre, Rider’s fault: 8%, Other’s fault: 22%. Poor overtaking, Rider’s fault: 11%, Other’s fault: 1%.

Total (accidents/percentage) Rider’s fault: 393 (49%), Other’s fault: 413 (51%)

Slight Accidents on the open road:

Failed to avoid, Rider’s fault: 19%, Other’s fault: 23%. Failed to give way, Rider’s fault: 2%, Other’s fault: 29%. Loss of control, Rider’s fault: 53%, Other’s fault: 4%. Poor turn/manoeuvre, Rider’s fault: 10%, Other’s fault: 25%. Poor overtaking, Rider’s fault: 8%, Other’s fault: 7%.

Total (accidents/percentages) Rider’s fault: 553 (56%), Other’s fault: 437 (44%)

Slight Accidents in built-up areas:

Failed to avoid, Rider’s fault: 28%, Other’s fault: 22%. Failed to give way, Rider’s fault: 7%, Other’s fault: 38%.Loss of control, Rider’s fault: 31%, Other’s fault: 2%. Poor turn/manoeuvre, Rider’s fault: 7%, Other’s fault: 22%. Poor overtaking, Rider’s fault: 13%, Other’s fault: 3%.

Total (accidents/percentages) Rider’s fault: 996 (39%), Other’s fault 1498 (61%)

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff