Don’t miss your free GP preview

By MCN Staff
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In the latest issue of MCN, out Wednesday July 10, there’s a mega 12-page preview of the British GP at MCN Donington Park on July14.

Pundits predict it will be the most exciting British GP for decades, and while the new MotoGP class has favoured the four-strokes so far MCN Donington Park should tip the balance back in the favour of the lighter, numbler two-strokes around its flowing curves.

For many the man to watch this Sunday will be the enigmatic Japanese genius Daijiro Kato, but how does he rate his own chances?

He told MCN: ” We all know it’s difficult to beat the four-strokes, but Donington may the track where we can get closer

” The first part of the track is a real riders track, where technique and style is really tested – but I’ll let you know how what I think after testing on Friday! ”

You can read much more of our interview with Kato, and all the top riders hoping for Donington success alongside a special analysis of the famous 2.5mile circuit with Britain’s Jeremy McWilliams, the man who famously took a podium here in 2000.

There’s a behind the fairings look at the new four-strokes and the exotic technology that makes them so sexy and all the essential tips and hints on how to make the best out your weekend there.

Don’t forget there’s still time to save £s on your tickets to the British GP with the MCN ticket hotline. Call 0870-400-0698 and get adult tickets for just £25 instead of £35, a weekend pass is only £30 instead of £50 and there’s a fiver off your camping pass, too.

So don’t miss your FREE British GP preview – only in the latest issue of MCN, out July 10.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff