MP calls for bikes in bus lanes

By MCN Staff
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A conservative MP has proposed a bill calling for motorbikes to be legally allowed to use bus lanes throughout the UK.

Motorbikes, or powered two wheelers (PTW) as officials like to call them, are already allowed access to bus lanes in Bristol and Reading with several more trial runs on the way. But Bill Wiggin, the Conservative MP for Leominster and opposition spokesman for environment, food, and rural affairs, is calling for bus lane access to be rolled out across the whole of the UK.

The bill, which is scheduled for debate on October 22, is being introduced under the Ten Minute Rule, which allows MPs a brief speech after Prime Minister’s question time to present their argument for the new bill before a vote is cast.

Although these kind of bills are rarely passed in to law in such a short hearing, it will give Wiggin the opportunity to highlight the benefits of allowing bikes to use bus lanes in front of a packed House of Commons hopefully prompting future legislation.

Wiggin believes that allowing bikes access to the currently restricted lanes will improve safety and encourage more people on to bikes, helping to reduce traffic congestion.

“I hope that the bill will be approved by the House,” commented Wiggin, “It can only mean less people in cars, alleviation of traffic gridlock, more lives saved through traffic isolation and reduction in environmental damage.”

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MCN Staff

By MCN Staff