Looking for Honda FMX 650s

By Ray
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Are there many Honda FMX 650’s out there?

I live in Belfast and this bike has become an interest to all who see it.

No other has been seen.

One fault with this bike is that there has been this unresolved problem as to why it just ‘dies’ either at neutral, 40mph or after a long run. The problem may not occur for weeks though.

The dealer has found nothing wrong on this bike, but I tried turning right one night and it ‘died’ and I’m in the face of oncoming traffic.

Sensibly I had given myself plenty of distance from oncoming traffic.

I’ve had this bike 10 months and apart from this’serious’ problem I am really pleased with this ‘Dommie’ reincarnation.

It is a show stopper. Any other info on this problem would be great.


Reader's article

By Ray