How I beat speed ticket

Who says you need a legal mind to beat the system? I did it with a determined one!

OK… order of things April. Speed camera clocks my car doing 37mph April… receive NIP April.. sent letter to Lancashire police, can I see pic please?

May… letter from Lancashire police.. NO! May.. letter with unsigned NIP sent to police May.. letter from Lancashire police.. still going to prosecute May.. GRRRR

June.. request for evidence letter sent to police June.. Letter from police NO!

September.. 1st court date, adjourned

November… 2nd court date, adjourned (thought I would have a go under human rights case going to court etc)

March… recorded letter sent to CPS.. request for disclosure March.. phones CPS, wheres my stuff? March.. CPS arm, umm, urr.. got a problem with your case. Witness (officer with camera) can’t make court date but will send evidence to you, many apologies, grovel grovel March… Letter from CPS NO! you can’t have the video, here’s half of what you asked for (2 days to go) March, frantic gathering together of other evidence to use (Frank Garrett’s testimony, ACPO etc) March… The day of the trial. CPS said he would ask to adjourn, I said I would ask to dismiss. CPS took legal advise, case dropped… as did my jaw!

Which goes to show, if you stick to your guns they crumble..

sharon mitchell

Reader's article

By sharon mitchell