Police to seize bikes using ASBO law

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Police are threatening to use ASBO laws to confiscate motorcycles as part of summer clampdowns on dangerous riding.

Riders speeding or committing other offences in areas where residents have complained of “annoyance” will be given on-the-spot written warnings in addition to being prosecuted for the offence. Those caught committing the same offence again anywhere within a year will have their motorcycles seized at the roadside, again in addition to being prosecuted for the offence.

Strathclyde Police has issued a statement headed: “Police warn ASBO bikers.” The force’s Chief Inspector Jim Igoe said: “There is no excuse for those who ride carelessly or exceed the speed limit and who cause nuisance and annoyance to other people. Under Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) legislation those caught speeding or distressing members of the public will face a formal written warning, which is recorded for 12 months. Should the driver commit a similar offence within the 12-month period their bike will be confiscated and they will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.”

The force said powers to take the action were set out in Section 127 of the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004. Forces south of the border have said similar action will be taken using powers set out in the Police Reform Act 2002. Dyfed Powys police said the action could be “classed in the same way” as an ASBO “because it’s to do with antisocial behaviour”.

See next week’s MCN to find which other forces are threatening to seize bikes using ASBO laws this summer and for details of enforcement operations targeting motorcyclists across the country.

And let us know how you feel about the police using ASBO laws to target bikers by adding a comment below.