Luckiest Licence Ever

By Anonymous
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Im 16 years old and have a hatred for public transport so I spend the summer working full time to buy a gorgeous new moped in time to start college. I loved it, thought it was the coolest thing ever.

A year later and I get a letter in the post ‘notice of prosecution.’ As i read the words I was filled with regret and fear. Turned out to be a TS10 -Failing to comply with traffic light signals. Couldnt remember doing it but I imagine I just didnt wanna stop at the lights as they changed and pushed it too far. But that was 3 points and 60 pounds.

Another year later and the moped has got very very boring and I want a real bike! Gears were an alien concept, so much so I failed my first test becuase of stalling. Second time around I got the hand of it, only 2 minors! I bought my uncles SV650s, he needed to get rid of it becuase he got caught doing 60 in a 30 zone – 6 points £800 fine! He couldnt afford to lose his licence so he sold me the bike.

Restricted to 33bhp, the garage suggested a new battery cuase the old one was nackered! So I had a new one fitted, needed charging though so when I stalled it on the ride home it wouldnt start. Was a great introduction to the bike club when 2 bikers stoped and helped me bump start it, thank you so much if you are reading this.

The clutch went after a few weeks and I had to get the old moped out, I was embarrased to be seen on it. So glad to get the SV back A few months later and Im lost somewhere outside Bristol, got off the M5 too late and its started to rain, hard.

I’m on a dual carriage way, 50mph spped limit and not paying much attention to my speed, stupid I know but im distracted and worried becuase im lost. I notice a speed camera, heart sinks, hit the breaks, not very hard cause of the conditions. Flash! I look down and im doing 55, oh no another 3 points makes 6 and thats goodbye to my new bike licence. I was filled with dread all night.

A couple of days later and Im taking my girlfriend out on the back. This time I didn’t even see the camera but… Flash! I look down and Im doin 40, its a 30 road. Damn thats realy blown it. The unluckiest week of my bike life.

After a lot of research I cant get a straight answer on how long I have to worry, 14 days? 21 days? 2 months? Its 3 months later and I havent heard a thing! I have the luckiest Licence ever! The down side is I ride everywhere at 25mph now. So either I wasnt going fast enough to be punished or my plate was obscured in the photo? Maybe I have tempted fate by writing this and I will receive a letter tomorow.


Reader's article

By Anonymous