Getting kicks on Route 66

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I had to write and let you see some pics of the best xmas present ever from a fantastic wife that hated bikes before this trip.

She travelled with me full length of what is left of Route 66 Chicago to LA and enjoyed it, 2646.7 miles. Made some good friends along the way especially a couple Mirko & Miriam from Milan.

1 Me at Grand Canyon an excellent place. 2 Group that we rode with. 3 Harley & Annabel a great couple of Red Necks, their words, check them out on the web, I had to hold her still she kept moving for the photo. Mirko in pic 4 reading my comic.

I would really recomend Eagleriders if anyone needs to do the same, you meet others that can afford the trip that need to do something different to sitting outside bike shops on a sunday eating burgers and remembering a great corner they took around the last roundabout.

Ross Jackson

Reader's article

By Ross Jackson