Daredevil Robbie Maddison undeterred by crash

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Daredevil Robbie Maddison still plans to beat his own long jump world record at the end of the month despite crashing yesterday. 

The 26-year-old suffered a cuts and bruises after hitting the landing ramp awkwardly during practice jumps in high winds in Melbourne, Australia. 

But he plans to go ahead with a record-breaking 106-metre jump at Melbourne’s Calder Park on March 29, 2008.

Robbie Maddison said he would have carried on jumping straight after his crash if his Honda CR250 had not been too baldy damaged.

Speaking after the crash, Maddison said: “The wind is your worst enemy and, with the rain, when I landed it was like ice.

“There was nothing I could do but I shouldn’t have jumped in those conditions.

“It’s kind of embarrassing. I’m one of the best riders in the world.”