Police ‘bling up’ speed camera van

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North Wales Police has “blinged up” a speed camera van by replacing the cameras with a booming sound system to take to boy racer ‘cruises’.

The force’s Deputy Chief Constable Clive Wolfendale says it will be used to educate young drivers at the events, which can involve illegal street races.

Wolfendale says in his blog: “Amongst our initiatives to deal with the potential danger and nuisance caused by these events is a brand new police vehicle specially designed for the job.

“From the shell of an expired ‘Arrive Alive’ camera van and blinged up with the generous support of local automotive suppliers we have created what I am positive is the region’s awesomest set of wheels.

“The deuce is jam packed full of information and advice for young drivers and draws a crowd wherever it goes. Having assembled the curious (and jealous) spectators we can get some serious messages across. It also has the best sounds around.  Check it out.”

See a video of the van pumping out dance music here: www.north-wales.police.uk/portal/blogs/dcc/archive/2008/02/14/Pimp-my-Ride.aspx