Poor R1 but leathers saved my life

My poor r1 did not deserve to go out like that , but thanks to Mr Dianese im still here .

We all have our preferences for kit but to take an almost head on collision with an 4×4 get thrown 150 feet and only end up with a broken ankle, hip and a dislocated elbow, wow.

My boots helmet and gloves all played their part aswell but the leathers were the real hero ,Dianese M4 two piece that they duly cut off me. I wasnt bothered at the time, Morphine is a wonderfull drug.

As the crash took place on open roads the speeds were high, the emergency services were very suprised that not only i was alive but considering the impact to my bike i had very little injurys.

I made it to the front of the local rag , mind you this is Devon (BIKER SAVED BY HIS LEATHERS) all abit dramatic but then i guess the crash was.

Moral of the story is i guess, always by the best kit and wear it even if you dont plan on crashing , ive been riding fast sports bikes for 15 years ,, and still gona .

W Houghton

Reader's article

By W Houghton