Barry Sheene - a great man

By martin green

I just want to tell you of a story that happened to me a few years back in 2002 concerning the late great Barry Sheene.

In the late 90s arai produced a Sheene nr3 replica which unfortunatley i could never afford to buy. Anyhow to cut a long story short i wrote to barry in late april 2002 to ask him if he knew of anywhere i could now purchase the helmet as my local arai stockists told me the helmet was no longer avaliable.

To my great surprise 2 weeks later a tnt delivery van arrived at my house and delivered me this parcel which when i opened i found inside one nr3 barry sheene helmet, to say i was stunned is an understatment.

It was addressed from the great man himself Mr Barry Sheene of gold coast queensland, australia and to top this off I attended barry’s last races at goodwood in september 2002, where not only did i get to thank barry personally for my helmet, but he also signed it for me twice – as did Steph his wife. And I had all this caught on camcorder as well for forever lasting happy memories.

Here was a nigh on 400 pound crash helmet that cost me the price of a postage stamp to australia which at the time cost me 42p. Obviously i still have my signed helmet and all the documentry proof of delivery and signiture and am very very proud of it and just wanted all mcn readers to know what a great great man Barry really was.

I believe you could count the number of celebrities on one hand today who would take the time trouble and effort to do something like Barry did for me.

martin green

Reader's article

By martin green