More 20mph speed limits on way

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More roads will get a 20mph speed limit under plans announced by road safety minister Paul Clark.

Councils will be allowed to introduce 20mph zones without traffic-calming measures such as speed humps in plans aimed at encouraging the measure for residential streets and areas around schools, shops and parks.

The zones are likely to be enforced by a new generation of digital average-speed cameras capable of catching motorcycles.

Clark said: “We have seen that 20mph zones with traffic-calming measures can make a real difference to the safety of local roads.

“But we’ve also looked at the latest research and listened to councils and residents who want to introduce 20mph limits on a series of roads where physical traffic-calming measures aren’t possible or practical.  

“Allowing councils to put in place 20mph speed limits on more streets without speed humps or chicanes will mean that they can introduce them at a lower cost and with less inconvenience to local residents.”

The announcement follows a trial of 20mph speed limits without additional traffic-calming measures Portsmouth.

The Department for Transport plans to issue local authorities with new guidelines early next year.

In a statement the Department said it was also ‘reiterating’ calls for councils to review speed limits on rural A and B roads by 2011 with a view to reducing many from 60mph to 50mph.