Video: Airbag motorcycle jacket crash tested


MCN attended an exclusive demonstration of the Point Two airbag jacket this week.

The test, arranged by Radio 1’s Newsbeat programme, took place at Goodwood, and saw stuntman Rob Hunt lob himself off a battered Yamaha TZR125 not once, but twice. He said the jacket made him feel like the Michelin man, but reckons it would work well on the road.

However, the test has raised fears the Government might look to make airbag jackets compulsory after a spokesman for the College of Emergency Medicine told Newsbeat that dozens of lives could be saved if bikers were forced to wear the jackets.

Check out this video of the jacket being crash tested, alternatively have a look at the Dainese airbag suit in action.

The jacket costs £550, and replacement gas canisters will set you back a further £12 each. Point Two claims it’s the only jacket of its type to achieve the CE standard, deploying as it does within 0.25 seconds.

It also features CE armour on the shoulders and elbows, with airbags covering the neck, spine, coccyx and ribcage.

It’s available in sizes XXS-XXXXL, in black, red, blue and hi-viz colours.

Read more in next week’s MCN, out Feb 18.