Suzuki GSX-R1000 K8 issues

By Donny Don

I write on behalf of my best friend Paul. Paul worked & saved very hard in order to buy a top of the range motorcycle last year, He has been back on the road only 6months prior to then. I begged him to purchase a Blade, blades being well known for easy riding & build quality.

But no, my friend Paul was having none of it, he wanted the top dog performance bike- the GSXR1000 K8.

Paul is a Suzuki-only chap, dating right back to a X7 250cc, the only other brand new bike that he as ever purchased. All other infill bikes being second-hand including a 7/11 that he sold for this new purchase.

To cut to the chase – yes he loves the ride ect.  However he has had problems along the way:

1. mirrors becoming loose (factory set, not able to tighten).
2. Fuse box being burnt out, a new £600 wiring harness + box was fitted under warranty. Dealer remarks – “not the 1st one we have had back like this”. The bike was 7months old & held 5000miles at this time.
3. Discovers that the paint work seems very thin (small light scratches not polishing out).

He is an unhappy man, very concerned about the build quality & about what expenses he may occur after the warranty runs out.

When the wiring harness problem came to light he let go at the dealer, the day after the dealer offered him a straight exchange for a new fireblade….  What a plonker, I would have snatched the dealers hand off!

But I’m a Honda VFR800 man, what else!

Donny Don

Reader's article

By Donny Don