"You're never doing this track on supercorsas are you!"

By Duncan Cook
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Having been trail riding as well as doing some country lane work over the winter its funny we are now meeting some lads on proper trailies. Its great to see their faces when we roll up through the water and s**t on our supermotos with little more than sports touring tyres on.

We met some guys at the weekend up in the lakes who couldnt believe their eyes, they even commented on the fact we were wearing leathers. The simple fact is its much more fun to be away from all the fast bikes (and the police) on the single track lanes and dusty tracks and to be able to switch from hard to soft ground.

Doing this on the supermotos makes the offroad stuff much more fun, and you can still have some fast paced action. We are looking forward to some good weather this summer. The photos are just one of the trails we have found that are still legal, even the farmers are friendly.

Duncan Cook

Reader's article

By Duncan Cook