Justice by Gatso?!

By Anonymous

Riding up the dual carriage A24, 5 miles from my home, the speed limit drops to 60mph due to a right turn into a garden center. The carriageway also becomes 3 lane for waiting vehicles at this point. I am approaching a car which is in the inside lane, doing approx 60 mph, with an overtake of about 6 to 8 mph. When one car length behind said car the brake lights come on and the lady driver, who I see later is using her hand held mobile phone, pulls into my lane!

Fortunately I am favouring the right side of my lane so I ease a litle right, give the bike a right hand full and accelerate out of trouble. A few seconds later I get my picture taken registering 71mph. Writing to explain to the Chief Inspector of revenue collection and to the Chief Constable gives me no joy. Pay up or go to court.

I decide that if I present myself to the magistrates they will accept the mitigating circumstances and waive the fine. Although the three lady magistrates accept my version of events I am fined £115 and give 3 points. How can this be? So it has cost me an extra £55 to plead my case. If I protest the sentence there is a good chance I will be charged further. A situation beyond my control where I took evasive action will punish me. Justice? What do you think?


Reader's article

By Anonymous