Kent bikers the friendliest?

By Ginger Mick

I havent ridden bikes for about 10 years, the last one was a DT125 hacking about in London. I moved to Kent a few years back and the number of bikers about on a sunny day made me decide to take the plunge.

I passed my test and on the same day traipsed up to Milton Keynes to pick up an old CBR600! Riding back was fantastic, if a little scary! Test pass in the morning, M1 and M25 on a sports 600 in the afternoon. I love the camaraderie of biking and give a nod to all bikers I see.

On my first substantial run (back from Milton Keynes) I was suprised by how few bikers nodded back. The same on my first weekend run out to Box Hill… surprisingly few nods… get back to Kent and nearly every biker gives you a nod as you go past, so I think Kent has got the friendliest bikers, certainly in the South East!

Ginger Mick

Reader's article

By Ginger Mick