3700 miles for cancer care

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A group of seven motorcyclists plan to ride to 14 European capital cities in seven days to raise money for cancer care this summer.

The group, who have named themselves the Magnificent Seven, will set off from Newcastle at 7.07am on July 7 and ride 3,700 miles through France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

They hope to raise £20,000 for MacMillan Cancer Support. The charity was chosen because Trevor Atkinson, one of the riders, lost his wife to cancer in 2004.

The 50-year-old hopes the epic run could become an annual fundraiser for the charity.

“The nurses and everyone at Macmillan made what was a horrible time that little bit more bearable and I’ve always wanted to do something to say thank you,” he said.

Sponsor the group at www.macmillanmagnificent7.co.uk