The Wednesday Morning Breakfast Club

By ojosef

The latest message to Westminster from the No To the Bike Parking Tax campaign is this: “IF YOU TREAT US LIKE CARS, WE WILL BEHAVE LIKE CARS”…”NO MORE TALKING!”

From now on every Wednesday there will be a gathering of motorcycles and scooters in undisclosed locations around Westminster Council.

Notice of the location will be sent out flash mob via SMS a few hours before the gathering.

Of course this could cause a little bit of congestion in Westminster, but so be it, time for talking is over, 3,000+ objections to the Motorcycle Parking Tax have been ignored by Westminster City Council, not once, but twice over!

The time for action is now, they are not listening any more, and with a High Court challenge coming up against Westminster City Hall and an investigation by the EU commission over parking contract irregularities relating to the Motorcycle Parking Tax the time for more pressure is now.

Below is a video from the inaugural breakfast club gathering, they will now continue every week until the bike parking tax is scrapped.

Upcoming dates for WMBC gatherings: 17th March 2010 –




Reader's article

By ojosef