Naughty or nice? Gift ideas for Christmas

By MCN News
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We know you want lots of fancy new bike stuff for Christmas, the big man with a penchanct for mince pies has told us. He’s also told us you’re not getting what you want unless you’ve been good this year. So, have you?

Been good? Congratulations, write to Santa informing him of your good year with your preferred reward and he’ll try his best to accomodate you. Maybe. 

If you’re in the market for a new lid, Shoei’s NXR helmet is one of the highest rated helmets on the MCN Shop and our Production Editor Emma Franklin gave it 5/5 in her review.


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If you’re not in the market for a new helmet then we have over 30,000 other products on the MCN Shop. So we’re sure you can find something you’d like.

Been bad? You’ve only got yourself to blame. These Gear Gremlin cleaning brushes are for you. Go outside, scrub away all your sins and have a long hard think about how you can be a better person. Or, you know, clean your bike, they’re probably a bit better at that.


MCN News

By MCN News