Shock new Indians leak to MCN reader!

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Pictures of five new Indians and a production version of the radical Victory Core concept have leaked to MCN after a reader was unwittingly targeted by an online research firm.

The six bikes – featuring dramatically different styles and powertrains from air-cooled vintage to girder-forked board-track – are sure to strike fear into the heart of Harley-Davidson, which it’s now clear faces its most serious threat in generations.

Now owned by massively wealthly Polaris Industries, owners of Victory motorcycles, this is the first tangible sign of the extent of the firm’s ambitions for America’s oldest bike brand.

Currently engaged in the boutique production of high-end legacy cruisers exclusively for the US market, Indian is being moved in-house to Minnesota and groomed to take on Harley worldwide, backed by Polaris’ £1.2bn annual revenues.

Read the full story and see more exclusive images in this week’s issue of MCN (July 13), on sale now. Get MCN from only £1 an issue when you subscribe today.