Video: Dawn to Dusk endurance challenge

This is a shortened version of the Dawn to Dusk race (don’t worry its nowhere near 12 hours) but here you can see how the three riders passed on info to each other and kept their team-mates going when the going got tough.

It seems like a life time ago now but the Dawn to Dusk took it out of all of us. We set out to finish and that’s what we achieved.

In fact we didn’t do too badly at all, in our group we finished 17th and overall out of 500 competitors and teams we came in a storming 154th.

Chris Guy, Michael Guy, and Dave Rawlings are still undecided as to whether they want to try for a podium next year or go it on their own; watch this space.

Check out this week’s MCN, available from Wednesday, September 12, 2007, to read all about the Dawn to Dusk challenge.