Donington Bliss

By Scott Muxworthy

I was at Donington this past weekend for the Download Festival and set off early on Saturday thinking it Donington it will take ever and a day to get in.

What a surprise no queuing at all except at the gate. I drove straight in, not us to that usually 1-2 hours queuing, got parked no fuss I do admit I did paid but hey it was worth it for no fuss but there was still thousands of cars.

The next thing I noticed was the presents of cars next to tents in the camping area, not like that at GP. Inside the festival I found that yet again there was very little queuing for anything and there was thousands of people there, I would like to know official figures though, all getting food , drink and merchendise.

This seemed to be the same all day thousands of people and very small queues, the biggest queue i saw all day was the one for the cash machines other than that it was quite stressless could not have been better.

Doing the usuall i decided to leave about 15 minutes early to miss the traffic jams and to my suprise even though there was people leaving I was out on on the M1 in 10 minutes.

I must also add toilets continously cleaned and with plenty of hand cleaner and toilet paper.

Now is it me or do they treat bikers as second class citizens who don,t mind queuing, like dirty over flowing toilets and they don’t mind trying to fight there way through the mayhem they call traffic control.

I am myself again this year taking my money abroad to Valencia as are a few of my friends as I am not interested in paying inflated prices to be treated like a second class citizen.

Scott Muxworthy

Reader's article

By Scott Muxworthy