Hard as a diamond: Abus Granit 68 Xplus scores highest Sold Secure Diamond level rating

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Abus are taking the fight to bike thieves with an updated range of Sold Secure approved locks and chains – including a Diamond rated cylindrical disc lock which meets the highest level of protection awarded.

The Granit Victory 68 XPlus – which costs around £70 depending on the retailer – features a rounded construction that makes it difficult for thieves to hold, and hinders the use of both manual and power tools. The Sold Secure Diamond rating means it’s approved to the highest standard for bike locks.

“We are excited that we can now offer a full range of Made in Germany motorcycle and scooter locks featuring the highest UK insurance approved Sold Secure ratings,” said Roger Seal, ABUS UK Product and Marketing Manager. “Abus products are renowned for their quality, durability and weather resistance. These benefits are in addition to our industry-leading levels of security.”

Abus Granit Victory 68 XPlus

The 14mm bolt, lock body and supporting elements of the locking mechanism are hardened steel, while the cylinder features Abus’ own tech to thwart lock picking attempts. The 68 is also available with a half bolt head to suit bikes with limited access.

Weighing 740g, it’s far from light, but the Victory can be easily stored in a tank bag or can be secured by means of a quick-mounting bracket.

The Victory is one of a dozen security devices the company have released to include Sold Secure Powered Cycle ratings and include additional disc locks, chain locks and D-locks as well as ground anchors.

Abus disc lock carry pouch

All of the products earn at least the Gold level of rating, one behind the Victory’s top Diamond rating.

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