MCN Mark Our Bikes campaign victory!

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A bike insurer is giving away free theft-preventing security markings, weeks after MCN called for the move.

The firm, which insures one in five UK motorcyclists, has launched a free offer for anyone buying or renewing a policy.

MCN’s Mark Our Bike’s campaign has been calling on bike insurers and manufacturers to help tackle theft by giving free security marking systems to all customers.

The discreet marks deter theft and by making individual motorcycle parts easily identifiable as stolen.

Insurance firm Carole Nash is giving customers a clear liquid which can be dabbed on key components and contains a unique code linking it to the owner.

Carole Nash’s Commercial Director, Simon Jackson, said: “By equipping our customers with this highly sophisticated technology we hope not only to add value to their insurance policy but to reduce theft rates.”

A spokesman said the kit included stickers to warn thieves and was worth £30.
Read more in MCN, on sale now.

Steve Farrell

By Steve Farrell