Rukka promises "T-shirt effect" with new summer suit

For 2017 the folk at Rukka have released a new motorbike suit for summer, the Forsair. 

The suit is made from wide-meshed, air permeable Knitted Cordura AFT allowing the wind to get through with no resistance. 

According to the Finnish company, this also means the wide-mesh system will keep your body cool while allowing sweat to evaporate freely.

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At the sleeves, sides of the textile jacket and at the trouser legs and seat area Knitted Cordura AFT Plus is used; this is more coarse with a higher abrasion resistance. 

The innovation doesn’t stop there. The suit features Rukka D3O Air joint protectors which multiply their crash protection in the very moment of impact and with a back protector sleeve the suit can be upgraded with either a Rukka Fullback or Allback protector. 

Only stocked in black, the jacket comes with a six-year warranty priced £379.99.

Similar to Rukka Airman

The Forsair is made from similar materials to Rukka’s Airman jacket, also part of the AirPower range. 

Also offering a “T-shirt feel”, the AirMan concept is two jackets-in-one with dual functionality during hot and cold conditions. 

MCN News

By MCN News