Access charges threaten top bike meet

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Derbyshire’s councillors are considering introducing ” access charges ” in the National Park – the home of one of Britain’s most famous bike meets, Matlock Bath.

Under Steve Cannon, Derbyshire County Council’s Transportation Strategy Manager, a draft paper is being drawn up to evaluate the likely impact the scheme.

Currently London and Durham, the two local authorities that have announced similar charging schemes, ostensibly to cut congestion, have exempted bikes.

But with so many motorcyclists visiting Matlock Bath, the temptation to charge them for the privilege may be too great for Derbyshire’s councillors to resist.

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You can either write or call Derbyshire County Council to tell them why they shouldn’t include motorcyclist in any future charges scheme at the following address: County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3AG, or call: 01629-580000.

Durham’s scheme to charge motorists a £2 ” access fee ” to its city, begins this September. It follows in the footsteps of London mayor Ken Livingstone, who is set to introduce a similar scheme to the capital in 2003.

There are another 20 towns and cities already looking congestion charging, but whether bikes will be hit by their tolls remains to be seen.

Here’s the list of the local authorities considering introducing the charges:

Bristol, West Midlands, Cambridgshire, Chester, Derby City, Derbyshire, Durham, Edinburgh, Hampshire, Leeds, Leicester, London, Greater Manchester, Milton Keynes, Nottingham and Reading.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff