Win trip to South Africa

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Two lucky riders from across Europe will be flying to South Africa for the launch of Yamaha’s MT-01 next month. Your vote could make sure one of them is a Brit. And simply by voting – you could join them.

Self-confessed Shrek look-alike Damian Finn is the only Brit in the running. He’s up against nine international rivals on the dedicated MT-01 site.

Go there and register to become a VIP member and you then get the chance to vote (select Voting Game). If you pick the two riders who poll the highest, you’ll be in with a chance to join them to ride the new bike in South Africa, too.

We’re backing Damian. He is 37, currently rides a Z1000 and lives in Reading. He’s an IT manager who says his favourite food is curry and his favourite music is “the music they play in curry houses”.

Favourite film? The Shawshank Redemption. Interests? Bikes, his kids and hiding in the pub.

Damian says he: “likes streetbikes and modifying them. I also enoy riding track days and I’m currently undergoing advanced rider training.”

Candidates are asked to select a celeb they would take for a pillion ride. Damian turned down Penelope Cruz, Valentino Rossi, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates to opt for Steve Spielberg. At least he got the answer to the next question right: “If he were photographed on the cover of a magazine, with his MT-01, the magazine would be: MCN!”

Read more of Damien’s profile and back the Brit HERE.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff