Police figures incorrect

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A study by Oxford University and the South East Regional Public Health Group in Guilford has clashed with police figures concerning serious injuries caused by road crashes.

Recent figures produced by the police have shown a drop of nearly a third of road accident injuries, however the study collecting data from hospital statistics has shown no significant changes since 1996.

Lead researcher Dr Mike Gill said, “The discrepancies are likely to be down to under-reporting of accidents to police” however Gill does call for the government to look at the hospitals information rather than police stats.

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The governments aim to reduce road deaths and injuries by 40% appear to be well off track and according to Paul Smith, founder of the Safe Speed road safety campaign, speed cameras are at the centre of this failure to reach targets.

“”The government measure road safety and sets targets in ‘KSI’ – Killed and seriously injured. The new data shows no improvement at all in KSI, despite the proliferation of speed cameras and lower speed limits. Clearly these measures are not delivering the safety improvements claimed and promised”.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff