Speeding Rip Off

With regards to the 137 mph video – I’d love to buy the Landrover which was following also appearing to do 137mph! Strange how the other shot shows a bike doing what appears to be a sensible speed for the corner but is apparently doing 79 mph! Having just been “NIP’ed” for doing “48 mph” in a 40 limit when the van was a plain as day and I was fully aware of it as I rode past at an indicated 40mph on my speedo, it is obvious these cameras lie – so the video just goes to prove by how much! I will get off and push my bike past all further cameras, I don’t know anyone who can push a bike faster than 30 mph! Interestingly enough, the solicitor I contacted, advised challenging the case, as she had been told by a Police superintentent, he was aware how much they lied and it should be challenged! Unfortunatly I’m not rich enough to take the gamble, so it’s 3 points for me!


Reader's article

By Anonymous