End of the TT ?

It would seem that the Government has cancelled the resoprical health agreement with the Isle of Man by which UK citizens can be treated free of charge while in the I.O.M. and their citizens likewise while visiting the mainland.

So from the begining of 2010 anyone visiting the Island will have to be covered by health or travel insurance. It is virtually impossible to get travel insurance if you are riding a motorcycle above 175cc. So if you are planning a trip to the TT or the Manx GP you may have to consider leaving your bike at home.

Add to this, that a lot of visitors to the Manx are senior citizens 65 and over and they will find travel insurance very expensive. It is not known what will happen to visiting competitors, whether they will be looked after by the I.O.M. healthcare or have to insure themselves, which doesn’t bear thinking about.

Could this be the end of the TT races? Just something else to thank our forward looking government for.

John Turner

Reader's article

By John Turner