Hotel for bikers open in USA

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A new luxury boutique hotel has been officially launched…for bikers!

The Iron Horse Hotel, in Milwaukee, USA, offers all the usual amenities associated with a high end hotel along with special facilities for riders.

There is special on-call maintenance, secured bike parking, rag bins, and on-site bike wash, packed saddle bag lunches, road trip maps and in-room storage areas for boots, helmets and leathers.

Guests at the hotel are expected to be businessmen as well as some of the 350,000-500,000 people who are expected to head to the Harley-Davidson Museum annually.

The 102 room hotel is a converted 100-year-old brick built warehouse with a two story lobby with special areas for hanging leathers.

Rooms cost around $150 (£105) a night.

Laura Kennerley

By Laura Kennerley