The new sidecar sensation?

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British sidecar manufacturer Watsonian Squire have upped their production by 50% this year to meet export demands for their products, could this mean that the three wheelers are having a resurgence?

Sidecars have been made by Watsonian Squire’s for 105 years and is one of only a handful of major manufacturers of the three wheelers left in the world. 

Watsonian Sales Director Ben Matthews said, “Last year exports accounted for 30% of production; this year we’re exporting around 55%.

“Without a doubt the lower value of the Pound has helped, but we also have the technical expertise to supply fitting kits too, so that they can attach the sidecar to their customers’ motorcycles safely and securely”.

The British manufacturer make a range of sidecars that can fit most motorcycles with a conventional tubular steel frame and the factory can fit them or the customer can fit them at home. Prices for a Watsonian sidecar start at £2,995 for the Mule which offers a massive 300-litre storage capacity, or £4195 for a traditionally aspirated seated car.

Contact Watsonian Squire if you want to know more.

Want to know what it’s like to live with a sidecar? We went to Austria last year to find out.

James Archibald

By James Archibald

Former MCN Junior Web Producer