MCN tour hits first snag

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MCN’s Angus Farquhar and Marc Abott have reached Ireland after an eventful first stage of their trip to the Emerald Isle.

Used Bikes Editor Farquhar was enjoying the sun started to go down – and he discovered his lights weren’t working properly on his Honda CBR600F (supplied by DK Motorcycles). The only work round was to ride on main beam, trailing the rear brake, until the pair finally reached Taunton in Somerset for their first overnight stop.

Hoping things would improve the pair set off refreshed in the morning, until miscommunication over fuel stops saw Marc Abbott sail off on his VFR800 VTEC longtermer supplied by CMC Motorcycles, leaving Farquhar to coast to a petrol station and push his bike the last few hundred yards.

Somehow they did make their ferry on time, and there were no problems with the sea crossing. When they disembarked, however, they then discovered the spindle in the middle of the centre stand on the CBR600 has popped loose on one side, and was at an angle, leaving the centre stand rubbing on the rear tyre.

As a result the pair are at Embassy Motorcycles in Wexford in Ireland as of 2.45pm to get running repairs on the CBR. They are then heading to their hotel for the night in Bray, before relaxing with some well-earned food and beer in Dublin. SO far the Honda VFR has been experiencing no mechanical problems, although the consensus is that it’s actually less comfortable than the problem-stricken CBR.

Wish the boys luck, or let us know if you’ve spotted them, probably pushing their bikes, somewhere in Ireland, by posting, here.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff