Protest to save off road

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And, the MCI points out, “This action by one division of DEFRA comes at a time when another division within DEFRA has been calling for land to be made available for off road motorsport activity to curb illegal off road use.”

Craig Carey-Clinch MCI’s Director of Public Affairs said, “It would appear that DEFRA is a Department that is out of control, with one division calling for more land to be made available for motorsport and another withdrawing farming subsidies if the motorsport use is permitted even for a single day a year.

“It is believed that over 40% of car competitions will be eliminated and an even bigger proportion of motorcycle events. The solution is simple: all DEFRA needs to do is to revise its Guidelines and to continue subsidies for land that is only temporarily used for motorsport purposes.”

The MCI is calling on all riders to protest to Parliamentary Candidates.

It’s time to get hold of a politician and set him right about how a new law is posing a huge threat to off road riding.

That’s what the Motor Cycle Industry Association (MCI) is urging in the run up to the May 5 General Election.

The organisation has slammed the Government department responsible as being ‘out of control’ and wants the law repealed immediately.

The legislation in question has ended subsidies to farmers who open their land up to off road events. That could result in up to 4000 enduros, motocross and trials being cancelled – as reported in the April 6 issue of MCN.

The new Single Payment Scheme (SPS) replaces the Common Agricultural Policy. The European Directive on agricultural subsidies does not outlaw motorsports on land eligible for SPS.

But, says the MCI, Britain’s Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has taken the decision, without consultation, to stop these payments if agricultural land is used, even temporarily, for any form of motorsport.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff