“App” army take on potholes

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Remember the good old days when men were men and potholes ruled the earth?

Men saw potholes, snapped them with their camera-phones, transferred the pics to their PCs and emailed them to their local council with a terse note attached.

Well say goodbye to such homespun old techniques… the “Fill That Hole” app is here.

According to makers, Aggregate Industries: “the iPhone app combines a photograph of a pothole with GPS technology to pinpoint the exact location of the hazard. Once a report is logged, the relevant local authority is informed so they can quickly inspect and fix it.”

Commissioned in part by the CTC [a UK-based cyclists’ organisation] the app works with iPhone models 3G, 3GS and 4, running Apple’s iOS version 3 or version 4.

You can also report potholes online at: www.fillthathole.org.uk

Dan Aspel

By Dan Aspel