1998 Triumph Speed Triple

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Sixteen years, a marriage, two kids, mortgage and a string of four wheeled contraptions later, here I am in my white van sat in a jam on the M42. 150 miles from my alleged location with two giggling mates and a 1998 Roulette green, Triumph Speed Triple, purchased two and a half hours earlier from a very nice gas man in Runcorn.

SH*T! Am I in big trouble, if I mention the first month of our union was watching the rain roll off the beautiful paintwork whilst communicating to the wife through solicitors you will understand (to much of everything that’s bad for you) my short term memory problem.

Yes, I had failed to mention my acquisition to her indoors much to the amusement of my two (banned from the house) mates.

Well a holiday for the wife & kids in Turkey and a new car on their return later I’m forgiven (yeah! Right).

Well the bug eyed beauty passed the first test, a month out in the great British monsoon called summer and apart from a quick flick over with a cloth you would never have known she hadn’t been in that garage I mentioned at the insurers.

Anyway all the above was 12 months ago now and, work permitting, have managed to get a few K on the clock. I’ve got to say that this bike handles like a dream, being from the west country us bikers are blessed with some awesome if somewhat pitted & shitted tarmac and the Triumph copes effortlessly.

Okay, so it will stand up a bit if you’re heavy with the front brake my advice use the back and have faith they do go that low and the bars can shake a bit on a quick exit but if you increase the power you will ride through it! The midrange grunt is this bikes strong point you will find many a pissed off super sports bike rider complaining of two bright dots in there rear view which can’t be shaken off, Having ridden the Daytona I fancy the Trip as being more fun and having better gearing and power for everyday use, the adoration this bike gets from all ages is nothing short of unbelievable. Got to get a Wolf under seat system as the one I heard yesterday took me back to the Aprilia at Donington a fortnight ago, I wonder if the wife will notice!

Conclusion: Mutts nuts

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff