Inaugural Lincolnshire hill climb raises thousands for charity

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The first-ever Lincolnshire Wolds Vintage Hill Climb has raised an estimated £5000 for Cancer Research UK and selected good causes in and around Lincs town of Louth.

The event, held on September 3 just a stone’s throw from Cadwell Park, was run by the local Rotary Club and saw motorcycles, cars – and even a three-wheeler – all manufactured between 1912 and 1939 take to the 0.8-mile closed road course in the village of Scamblesby.

“It was quite an emotional moment when the first bike went off the line,” Louth Rotary president, Alan Curtis told MCN.

Locals and enthusiasts were out in force for the event, with landowner Steve Hunt opening up a field free of charge for the static vehicle displays, food stalls, live music, and the competitors’ paddock.

“The villagers have been absolutely superb,” Curtis continued. “They’ve been so supportive and they live quite close to Cadwell Park, so they said the noise wasn’t an issue and they have been delighted to host the event.”

Hunt’s comments were echoed by Christine Blood, from Lancashire. She and her partner Michael Schofield brought along their 1925 Triumph Model P for a run up the climb.

“It’s been relaxed,” she said. “And it’s nice to see the younger generation interested in stuff like this, too.”

Alongside the bikes on the hill, the event also played host to bands and food vendors, plus a static two- and four-wheeled vehicle display from pre-war to modern-day machinery.

For more on the club and their future events, click here.