Crash victim told he wouldn’t walk again… by TV

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A motorcyclist laying in his hospital bed was stunned when he was told he would never walk again… particularly because he was being told by a television show.

The rider had heard nothing of the sort from his doctors, it was the commentary accompanying footage of his accident that made the revelation.

Now Channel 5 has been given a public rebuke for failing to check with the hospital before making its pronouncement. As it happens, they were wrong. He is back on his feet, albeit with the use of sticks.

The crash victim complained to the Independent Television Commission about ” Crash – Picking Up The Pieces ” . It says Channel 5 should have checked its facts with either the rider, his family or his doctor. Instead, it relied on police information.

Channel 5 was found in breach of Section 2.5 of the ITC Programme Code, which protects ” the individual’s right to privacy at times of bereavement or extreme distress ” .

The bad publicity will be the only punishment Channel 5 receives.

Should they be fined? What would you think if it happened to you? Follow the link, right, to have your say.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff