Strange… but true

By MCN Staff
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AMERICA: DIET Dr. Pepper is rolling out new spoof ads featuring ” CHimPs, ” a parody of the hit ‘70s TV show about the California Highway Patrol. In the ad, two ” police monkeys ” pull over a banana truck driven by former CHiPs star Eric Estrada.

IF you thought that Ape hangers suck then here is your proof (see pic right). The perfect gift for a domesticated Hells Angel or just someone who needs to get out more often.

JAPAN: A police officer who hurled his truncheon at a member of a biker gang, knocking him off his bike and breaking his pelvis, has been fired. The unnamed Oita District officer claimed ” I signalled for him to stop, he wouldn’t, so I threw my truncheon at him. ”

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff