Troy Bayliss: in his own words

Rgvm: Congratulations Troy – whats the first thing you said/or will say to Colin Edwards when you lift the trophy?

TroyBayliss: Nothing really. I don’t think there’s going to be any gloating.

Dazzie: Troy, many congratulations! World Champion – how mental is that?! How does it feel!?

TroyBayliss: Well, I just feel the same I did before it all happened really. But I do sort of feel a bit strange. I feel like someone’s going to ring me up and tell me that I haven’t got it.

Xenomorph: Troy… brilliant work winning the title… are you sad you didn;t get to lock horns with Foggy?

TroyBayliss: Not really. It’s just different times. I never really thought about it.

Steve: Congratulations on winning the title. Ruben rode a great couple of races, but do you believe he’s good enough in the long run or should Ducati go with Ben, yourself and maybe Neil Hodgson?

TroyBayliss: That’s up to Ducati but Ruben Xaus has certainly had good results in the last two rounds. He’s just found something in the bike that really suits him and something that makes him really confident and it just really suits him now.

Dazzie: Do you think Neil has improved as a rider since you were team mates, and do you still think you would beat him on equal machinery?

TroyBayliss: I think he’s certainly improved since he came back to the British Superbikes because when he was in WSB before he was very young and now he’s come back he’s learnt a lot and he’s a very competitive rider.

Atom: Troy. Congrats. How does winning the WSB Championship compare to winning the BSB championship in 1999

TroyBayliss: I was more excited after winning the British championship because it came down to the last round whereas this one won’t really sink in until the last round at Imola. I think it’s going to be quite big there. I’ll still be trying for the win, nothings going to change ‘cept I won’t have the title on my shoulders like last time.

Atom: BSB Champ, WSB champ. next……GPchamp????

TroyBayliss: Nah, Next year it’ll just be Ducati in the World Superbikes, but the year after that,we’ll see but that’s a long way off

Blade: Will you let Xaus win the next race as a thankyou?

TroyBayliss: I don’t think so. Not unless I was told!

Suicide: what the hell is worng with troy corser – why does he suddenly go off form like that –

TroyBayliss: I don’t know. I’m sure he’s got his reasons and I don’t pry into other peoples business. I’m sure he’s doing the best he can, like everyone out there.

Craigbroadway: Do you miss Coventry? Not the weather I guess! What is the plan for Imola? Go out on an even higher note?

TroyBayliss: I sort of do. I wasn’t actually in Coventry. It was between Coventry and Birmingham but I do kind of miss it. We had good friends there but it certainly wasn’t the weather! I miss the fish and chips though. As for Imola, I’d like to win both races, like at every round, but it would be nice to go there and win the last two races as world champion. I feel like now I can’t slacken off because being the new world champion I expect more of myself now.

Road runner: Troy congrats on the championship no one deserve’s it more than you . Will you ever consider going to the GP class in the future

TroyBayliss: Well, I’ve got another year in WSB first then I’ve got a plan and I’m on me way

Paullonergan: Who do you think is going to be your biggest title threat next year?

TroyBayliss: I’m sure it’s going to be along the same lines as this year. Colin Edwards is always going to be tough… Neil Hodgson will be there for sure. Bostrom, of course and possibly Ruben. Plus Haga maybe…who knows?

Biscuitboost: is the sbk paddock as friendly as the riders will have us believe?

TroyBayliss: Yeah. We’re not great friends. We have all got friends in the paddock and everyone seems to get on well anyway. We tend to hang out with the Ducati team and I hang out with the guys and the other riders but at race weekends I don’t go out anyway cos I’ve got my mind on something else.

sv650sadam: Is suzi perry just as NICE in the flesh?

TroyBayliss: She’s ok. She does the job. Oh God, I don’t know how to answer that one! She’s alright.

Martynd: Just a quick thanks for giving me your Ducati cap at Assen on Sunday!

TroyBayliss: Ok. Normally I lose lots of stuff during the weekend. Guys are always after kneesliders and I tell them if they can get them off they can have them, cos you normally need a screwdriver!

Dazzie: Have you got a contract sorted for next year? Bet your fee just doubled!!

TroyBayliss: I’m with Ducati again for next year and I’m looking forward to it.

teresa s: Any plans to throw your kit into the crowd after the racing at Imola?

TroyBayliss: No way, I’ve got to keep one for myself!

Craigbroadway: how do kim and the kids cope with the racing programme?

TroyBayliss: Pretty well. The kids have been to most of the races this year except for the last two but in general, yeah, there’s no problem and they enjoy coming to the races. It’s my life now, so they are used to it.

Suicide: what’s your relationship (if anything) with Mick Doohan?

TroyBayliss: I’ve only met him once, and that’s at Laguna Seca this year, first time I met him, so it’s not very close I guess!

Suicide: What’s Tardozzi like to have as a boss? How has he helped you?

TroyBayliss: He’s a good boss because he’s very experienced and as far as help me, he helps a rider believe in themselves.

Craigbroadway: I am about to do a track day at knockhill? can u give me one peace of advice?

TroyBayliss: Take your wet weather gear, and a heater! Or go to Mallory instead

Dazzie: Why do you think Foggy is dissing everyone this year (except for Xaus of course)?

TroyBayliss: Is that like giving them a hard time? I’ve got no idea! I don’t really want to get involved in stuff like that. I’m not really interested in it.

teresa s: Where are you logged on from right now?

TroyBayliss: I’m at home, in Monaco.

Martynd: Do you ride a bike on the road?

TroyBayliss: A little bit. Just to and fro, whatever I have to do around town, and it’s a Ducati Monster. It hasn’t been washed in four months! Ducati won’t like that.

Suicide: Any idea why Bostrom lost form so badly at assen? the damp? tyres? the cicruit?

TroyBayliss: Could have been a little bit of everything I guess. He had five wins in a row and it can’t keep happening like that. At this level you need everything to be spot on. And he also had some problems with his bike being unstable so he was fighting it all weekend apparently

Xenomorph: Is it a bit of a culture shock going from peaceful Taree to being a national superstar, especielly one that gets so much attention in Italy?

TroyBayliss: Yeah. It really is a turnaround and hopefully even though it’s all worked out. I want to still keep a low profile. I don’t really want to get caught up in all the rigmarole that gets to you in this job, cos that’s what changes people I guess

TroyBayliss: I haven’t got one. I just like all the tracks. I like going to different places and new ones especially but I haven’t really got a favourite. In general I just love being in Europe. When you have to go somewhere, long haul, even if it’s Australia, (and I do love Australia), it feels like you are going away from home and it’s just a bit harder work

Biscuitboost: do think gp is still the highest level of racing?

TroyBayliss: Well it certainly draws the most viewers on television that’s for sure. Hopefully we can change it.

Martynd: Do you ever bump into Troy Corser in the newsagents in Monaco?

TroyBayliss: I’ve bumped into him in the street once when we were out for dinner one night. He was parking his Lamborghini.

DPC: Did you speak?

TroyBayliss: We said hello

Dpc: Do you get on?

TroyBayliss: Yeah. Most of the riders in the paddock are friendly but we’ve all got our own lives. If we see one another we talk but we can’t really have close buddies in racing like that. It doesn’t really work.

Suicide: who are you named after (the troy bit, not the bayliss bit)? Do you and Corser ever get confused for each other?

ToryBayliss: No one. Me and Troy Corser have been confused before. I’ve had loads of people thinking I’m Troy Corser and hopefully, he’s had the same. People will come up thinking it’s Corser and get my autograph, and go away looking disappointed

Suicide: do you have a secret phobia? spiders, heights, wombats etc?

TroyBayliss: Nah, I don’t think so. There’s a few things I don’t like. I shouldn’t think getting bitten by a snake is much fun.

Suicide: what’s your favourite toy that fame and riches has allowed you to buy?

TroyBayliss: Bicycles. Road-racing bicycles. I’ve got a fair few. GP sponsor me but I’ve also got a fair few Italian bikes. If money was no object, I’ve seen some nice boats in Monaco harbour but I’d need a lot for one that I’d like.

Craigbroadway: Did u decide to grow the pointy sidies for a reason, i tried but it looked pants!

TroyBayliss: I don’t know. I’ve been hanging around Italians too long I think

Martynd: Did you speak to Edwards after the second race at Assen?

TroyBayliss: No. I haven’t seen him at all. For sure he’s not so happy. He wouldn’t like handing it over but you’ve got to share it around eh? It could go to someone else next year

Nedkelly: What has been the reaction to your world championship back home?

TroyBayliss: Well I know my home town have gone berko! And I reckon if I’d been there the last three days I’d be in a bit of a state

Dazzie: I can’t remember you ever getting injured, when was the last time? You must bounce well!

TroyBayliss: No, I don’t bounce well. Last time I was seriously injured was at Mallory, when I banged my head and neck. But I’ve always got bruises and skin off, and I mean loads of skin. Also I got knocked of my bike by a car load of Americans in Monaco it took me a while to get over that. I don’t think it was anything to do with Edwards or Bostrom though!

DPC: When did you get knocked off and did they know who you were?

TroyBayliss: It was about a month ago and they had no idea, which is standard!

DPC: What were your injuries?

TroyBayliss: Just skin off me back and bruises around the hips and around the legs. It was a bed jobby for a day.

DPC: Did it effect how you could ride?

TroyBayliss: No, not really. Not after a week

Dazzie: If you weren’t a bike racer what would you like to be?

TroyBayliss: I think I’d be a bicycle racer…I don’t know if I could have been, but that’s what I would have liked.

Suicide: Where do you think you’d come in 500GPs on a top factory bike?

TroyBayliss: I’ve got no idea, and I don’t even actually care. I’ve been riding superbikes now for the last five or six years and I’m going to stay there. And I think next year will be my fourth or fifth year on a Ducati and I’d like to mark that by retaining the title. Plus it’d be silly to move now especially at my age.

Suicide: Aussie film industry – art or arse?

TroyBayliss: Dunno. I don’t watch it. I’m into Action films when I get the chance I want to go and see Planet of the Apes at the moment. I do like B-movies

DPC: Don’t bother.

Ginganinga: Do you get nervous while racing

TroyBayliss: No. I feel after the first few laps as long as the bike is doing what I want it to do, I settle into a rhythm and it really becomes easy. although it is hard work.

Proddy: If you could choose a team mate for next season, who would it be?

TroyBayliss: I couldn’t pick anyone. And I’m not saying that because I’m afraid of a kicking! I’ve been in a lot of different teams with a lot of different riders, and you don’t worry about your team mates, you just get on with your own job.

teresa s: On one of the photos from Brands Hatch, you’re wearing black CK underpants – do you have a pair of lucky pants or some other talisman?

TroyBayliss: No, not really. I think I’ve got seven pairs of them so I’ve got enough for a week, so I actually do change them!

Nedkelly: Does your girlfriend get jealous of the ‘pit birds’?

TroyBayliss: My wife…no…not really. I don’t think so. We’ve never actually spoken about it so she musn’t. I never get time to look anyway, I’ve got other stuff to think about when I get on the grid.

Proddy: Why do you wear Titanium toe sliders?

TroyBayliss: Well actually I don’t like wearing them, but since I injured my toes at Phillip Island I’ve grown to put up with them. They took three months to heal.

Nitronotty: Is it scary or fun dicing with Haga

TroyBayliss: It’s fun. I had a great race with him last year at Assen and was just a great shame. Even if I’d finished second I’d rather he hadn’t crashed. It was a good race and it shouldn’t have ended in a crash

Craigbroadway: Do you miss the English racing scene at all, I’m sure like me many people miss seeing you race it out with other brits.

TroyBayliss: I don’t actually miss it cos I won it and wanted to move up, but I had a really good time when I was there and I really enjoyed the racing. There was plenty of action.

Superretard: How many hire cars have you trashed in your long career?

TroyBayliss: I’ve never trashed one. I’ve never had a bill to have one repaired at all. I’m a family man. It’s true…honest!

Dazzie: Chris Walker might be back in WSB next year on Kawaskaki’s greenest. What do you make of that?

TroyBayliss: It’ll be interesting. I don’t know whether he’ll be in with a chance, but I’m sure he’ll remember how to ride a Kawasaki there might be a few tracks he needs to learn and then he’ll be alright.

Nedkelly: Of all the Aussie Racers in the past 20 years , which one inspired you the most?

TroyBayliss: Not anyone in particular. I looked up to quite a few Doohan, Gardner, Mcgee, Graham Crosby even. I liked them all, the way they all rode. Not only Australians either, Rainey and people as well.

Psychogirl: Troy what did u last dream about?

TroyBayliss: I can’t remember. I have strange dreams anyway. I’m just hoping that I’m not going to wake up and I find out this isn’t a dream. I still feel kind of weird about it all.

Dazzie: How are you on 4 wheels – would you fancy doing a Slighty when the time comes?

TroyBayliss: I don’t know. It’d be interesting to have a drive of something nice. I haven’t asked Tory Corser for a go in his Lamborghini yet. I don’t think he’d like that. I really like the truck series in America that looks really good fun, but I’m sure they take it seriously.

Xenomorph: what was it like riding a duke with the semi-automatic gearbox, in winter testing?

TroyBayliss: I actually really enjoyed the semi. It didn’t make a huge difference but when I was doing a long run. like over race distance. I was always a little bit faster with it.

Doctor rossi: Do u think the Kawasakis are a bit dated? Many people do.

TroyBayliss: Well, not really, because look at the Ducati, it’s basically been along the same lines for a long time now. They keep improving every year anyway just like every other bike out there.

Ginganinga: Do you remember the first time you got on a bike

TroyBayliss: No, because I was only about 4 or 5, so I can’t remember the exact feeling but it was a little Honda 50. I think you call them monkey bikes.

Craigbroadway: Are u going back to Oz after Imola?

TroyBayliss: We haven’t made up our minds yet. We may go home for a few weeks at Christmas.

Sode: If you dont retain the title who would like to Win it?

TroyBayliss: Erm. No one in particular. Whoever wins will deserve it.

Ginganinga: what other sports do you like or play

TroyBayliss: Only riding my bicycles and doing my normal training really but I’m not really into any other sport.

Craigbroadway: what r u doing for the rest of this evening?

TroyBayliss: The rest of this evening? After I’m off the phone I’m going to have a cup of coffee and tuck the kids in, and I’m off to bed, cos I’m shattered.

TroyBayliss: Thanks to everyone for coming and your support throughout the year. I’m hoping people won’t think I`m Troy Corser all the time now

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff