1987 Kawasaki EX-500

Three weeks ago I decided my car had two wheels too many and threw caution, and the red line of my credit card to the wind and bought a used 1987 Kawasaki EX-500A with only 10,215 Km. A custom paint job, stainless silencers, and one helluva self-image change were included. Being that this is my first motorcycle I have no basis of comparison, but I will share what I do know. I have put 2500 Km on it in three weeks, the first 1000 were awkward, uncomfortable (six tubes of empty A5-35 will attest to that fact) and nerve-wracking (he’s looking right at me! why the hell is he still pulling out! brake! turn! lean! throttle! rude gesture!) However none of this was the bike’s fault, it took my inexperience and reassured every step of the way with a predictable power curve, light but not unstable handling and a low seat height. (parking on a hill and trying to set foot down on downhill side) The next 1000 Km was the joy of discovery and irresponsibility. Yes you to can lean your bike far enough over to defy the laws of nature. Wow I can go that fast(relatively speaking, you litre-bikers keep your laughter to a minimum) Hey she’s looking at me. Da Da Da another Porsche bites the dust. Now I am in the joy of ownership phase I have tested the bikes limits (almost) and can respect them, now I ride because it’s me, the ashphalt, the wind and, my thoughts. Never stop riding, practising you skills and being an ambassador of the brotherhood of the motorcyclist.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff