Two riders contrasting opinions

‘I run Gatsos down!’

" Gatsos just get on my tits. That’s all there is to it, " says Britain’s one-man camera demolition squad.

This guy, who wants to be called Rider A for obvious reasons, hates Gatsos as much as the rest of us. But he’s done something extreme about it.

He says: " When they first started coming on to the roads in big numbers – when I worked as a late-night delivery driver – I read in a local paper that they cost £10,000 to install each camera. The same day I accidentally backed into a road sign. I was a bit worried I might have damaged the truck, but it had these huge bars on the back. The sign was OK, just canted over about 30 degrees.

" This got me thinking, and at about 3am I nobbled my first Gatso. I parked in front of it and took a good look around. The coast was clear, and my bumper was snug against it. I simply reversed a few feet, then pulled away. The whole thing was bent and facing the floor, and I thought ‘that’s a bit easy!’

" Over the years I must have done around 20, and some they never replaced. "

‘I love ‘em’

" It might sound harsh, but I reckon that if you’re caught on a fixed-site camera, you deserve everything you get, " says Rider B.

" And I’m not a speed-hating killjoy – on the contrary, I love going fast. And I reckon the Gatso is the greatest invention ever created for people who want to speed.

" A decade ago, there could have been a policeman hiding behind a bush or around a corner on any ride – and the result could be seriously damaging to your licence. But if the Government reckons Gatsos can replace traffic cops, leave them to it – after all, once you know where the cameras are, the rest of the road becomes your personal playground.

" Even in a car, if you keep your eyes open you can keep the speed up. And on a bike there’s virtually nothing that can touch you. After all, ever-increasing numbers of cameras are forward facing, and the vast majority of mobile sites rely on front rather than rear plates to identify you. A bike is little less than an excuse to go as fast as you like.

" Don’t get me wrong, I’m against speeding in towns or dangerous spots, but by introducing the Gatso, I reckon the Government has effectively told responsible riders and drivers they can travel at whatever speed they like. "

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff